Dog Stories


Once there was a dog named Bailey she had an owner named Kate.  Kate worked at an ice cream store.  On her break she would walk Bailey to the bench outside of the ice cream store, tie her up, go inside, and buy a large ice cream.  And when she came out, her and Bailey shared the ice cream.  They slept in the same room; but Bailey was so big she had a separate bed.  Bailey's bed was about four feet long and wide.  Bailey was big.  When Kate's parents were at work, and Kate was doing homework in her loft, Bailey always tried to open the cabinets.  When she found chocolate she brought   it to Kate.  When she found Dog Kibble, she did not eat dinner that night. 
Bailey and Kate were best friends.  They did almost everything together.  Kate tied Bailey to a nearby bike rack next to her school.  Then when she came out they walked home together.  Kate ate chicken and rice while the leftovers went to Bailey.  Kate and Bailey did not want their happy life to end.  But Bailey started to get fat.  Kate thought she was getting fat.  Kate took her to the vet.  It turns out Bailey was having a litter of six puppies.  So Kate, Bailey, and her family, moved into a bigger house.  And the seven dogs had their own room and in the room they had a sofa, a TV, they had mirrors, they had Dog-Litter-Boxes, and a kibble maker.  They were pampered.  And Bailey and her puppies got spoiled.  And they were not happy.  So a Chihuahua fairy god mother appeared and made them seem like they were poor dogs. 
She made them wear aprons and they lived in their owner's bedroom and fought over the space in front of the TV.  Their doggy-jewelry was only a simple collar, no more doggy jewels.  They cried and howled and whined.  But the Fairy Chihuahua was laying down on a comfy bed and told them they should have been thankful.  Now they are slave dogs.  But soon luckily Martin Luther Paw Jr. came along and stopped dog slavery.  The dogs were still poor, and then they said thank you and apologized.  And their pampered life was back.  
The End.

(Original Stories by Alex Heller-2013)


Once their was a dog named Faith.Her owner's name was Lucy.Lucy was rich.Her and Faith had almost evreything.But the dog next door Rose was almost broke her owner's name was Kassie.Kassie went to the same school as Lucy.Lucy was very mean to Kassie.Faith was also mean to Rose.

Lucy wore hot pink dresses to school each day.While Kassie wore a blue tee shirt and ripped jeans.Kassie worked for enough money for the taxes and food and Rose's health.They enjoyed going to the park and playing tag,while Faith and Lucy got thier nails and hair done.Faith never relised how hard life actully was for Rose and Kassie.

Kassie was running out of money and moved with Rose to a new house in a near by city.They moved in with their Aunt Lexi.Lexi got them into a better school and better clothes.Their were nicer people.They planted a bunch of trees and were on the news because of there good deed.Faith and Lucy where jelous.Faith thought she was poor,not reliseing how spoiled she actully was!

Kassie had a new friend named Lizzie.Lizzie had a dog just like Rose and her name was Faith.This Faith was nicer than the other Faith.Kassie,Rose,Lizzie,and Faith did evreything together.Lizzie grew ill.Verry ill.She went to the hospital.Kassie and Faith were worried so Rose went to another dog and the dog said the maedicine was in a cave.

Rose was determined to find the medicine everyone was amazed and Rose was on the news aigan for another good deed.Faith at their old town got so jelous she ran away to find it before Rose!Rose was getting close to the cave but started to grow weak.She had made to the cave.So did Faith.Faith glared over at Rose with dark eyes.They each tried to get to the medicine and Faith tripped and cut her paw very very deep!!!

Rose took the medicine and offered to help Faith ,Faith said she was fine and tried to grab the medicine as her paw bled badly.Faith almost could'nt walk and would,nt let Rose help her.Fath and Rose were getting close to the hospital.Rose carried Faith and the medicine.Faith eyes startted to close ,Rose rushed too the hospital she got their and the nurses took Faith and the medicine inside.
everyone cheered for Rose for being so brave.A molmeant later Kassie and Lizzie ran outside and hugged Rose the nice Faith licked  Rose's face.Lizzie was heeld! And Faith was so greedy and spoiled she got hurt.She than was nice to Rose and the other Faith!

                        THE END!!!!


Once upon a time, there was a dog named Lilly.  She lived in New York State, and she escaped from Cuba with the queen Petal-Jill.  Petal-Jill was very old.  She was 202 years old in dog years.  She always wore a collar with a crown.  She was the kind of dog with lots of wrinkles on it.  She's only had the wrinkles since she was 100. 

Petal-Jill had a gardening problem.  The dungeon was in her garden. Whenever the flowers needed maintenence, so did the prisoners.  She'd bring out the hose and the soil, a few popcorn seeds, and a small money tree (she liked Abe Lincoln), and she'd put everything but the money tree on the prisoners and plants. 

She had a cousin from South Korea, the cousin of her cousin was Paw S. Y. who was a hit singer because of his single Doggy Style.  And the chourus went: "Aaayyyyyeee playful puppy. Woof woof woof woof woof. We like doggy style."

Queen Petal-Jill didn't like Lilly at all.  She was jealous, because Lilly had fabulous paws. And owned a lot of Abe Lincolns.  Lilly liked bling.  She often said, "My middle name is FABU."

Lilly had a puppy, named Nugget.  Nugget lived in Australia.  Nugget was a Great Dane.  Nugget had a wife named Nugella.  Also known as "Cinderella", they had FABU in their names.  They were well known.  And often their Abe Lincoln's went to charity. 

Nugella had a sister who had a turtle, who owned a volcano and the name was Sapphire.  The volcano had a rock friend with a person who always slept on the rock, and the person is dead.  He came from Pompeii.  He traveled on the Pope's private jet.  The current Pope was Pope Pooper jr II.  The Pope was friends with Tinkerbell and had backstage passes on The Making Of Secret Of The Wings.  Pope Pooper jr II praised the Lord and thanked Him for the great movie from Tinkerbell.  "Such a plot!" said the Pope.  "And what happened to her wings?!  Periwinkle is my friend!!"

A major glacier in Iceland was owned by the volcano.  There was a lamb that lived at the top of the glacier, her baaaa got frozen.  The glacier felt bad for the lamb, because the lamb had slipped and fell.  Oopsies!! Baaaaaaah.

And then iPad got made.  Rainbow loom got popular, and Taylor Swift-Paw released her new single I Knew You Were Trouble. It was a hit to the volcano!  People praised the volcano and then the song became number one.

"All hail Taylor Swift-Paw!! May her paws hold a lot of Abe Lincolns!!!" 

The dead person from Pompeii met KISS before he died.  And then Mount. Vesuvius erupted. WOOSHSHHH.

Pompeii was gone.  WOOOSSHHH.

Lilly decided to go into labor.  She was having a girl this time.  She was gonna name her Paris.  The night she went into labor she was at a Paw-some Party.  And she suddenly said, "UHHHHH MY WATER JUST BROOOOKKKEEEE."  After a long week, Paris was finally born and the first words that came out of Lilly's mouth were, "WOOOO DO I FEEL GOOD. IS THERE A NEARBY TOILET AWWW PARIS IS SO CUTE.  More potty. Less Paris.  Then take a cold shower, in a bathtub."

Paris, at six months old, was like her mother, with fame and fortune.  "Abe Lincoln is my inspiration," Paris says. 

Lilly was spending her Abe Lincolns on designer bones and collars.  She needed a job.  "So. Tiring. So. Awesome."  She thought she didn't need a job.  "What do you mean, the rent's that much?! I live in a beach house! Not a haunted house! I own a gigantic fish tank with a baby shark in it!  I'm rich buddy!"

And then her daughter finally said, "Mom, you need a job."

Lilly responded with "HOW ARE YOU MY DAUGHTER"

So Lilly decided her daughter was right and decided  to open a factory called "Lilly Lala Bracelets" it was a designer store with jewels.  Not the jewels you find in the backyard if you own a dog.  Her jewels became big, and they had lots of money.  Lilly said, "Abe Lincoln is my friend!" People hated Lilly.  But everybody loved Paris.  They hated Lilly because she had so many Abe Lincolns and wouldn't share. 

Everybody liked Paris because her fabulous fur.  She always said, "One thing I like more than fabulous, is Abe Lincoln!"

And then a band came out called "PawMO" and their hit single was "PUPPY ROCK ANTHEM".  Paris starred in the music video.  Youtube and Twitter got big.  Did you know the Pope tweets?

Lilly went on a Disney Cruise and visited Pluto in Key West.  "Why is this kid sniffing my butt?"
"He's a human."

Paris recieved awards and just when Lilly was about to close the factory, Paris took over the factory. 

The End.

P.S. Abe Lincoln is money, and Pompeii is a real city. 

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